Art of Probing & Questioning

“Art of Probing & Questioning” teaches techniques for asking powerful questions that uncover key insights and drive meaningful sales conversations.

Art of Probing & Questioning


The two fundamental pillars that support an effective communication platform are Questioning and Listening. Once we move our conversation with the audience from a personal to business agenda, we need to find out what the business challenges and needs are. Without such information, we may not be able to present our solutions effectively, making all of our efforts difficult and our time wasteful. There are various questioning techniques we can use but exactly which technique is best applied and for what finer purpose? Furthermore, if we asked powerful questions but we do not listen actively, we would not be able to maximize our impact from those questions. When we combine these two pillars, we can discover the audience’s true challenges and needs, and tailor our subsequent conversations and action steps to address and meet those needs effectively.

This intensive, hands-on, activity-driven program teaches skills that boost productivity through increased understanding and effective implementation of the questioning and listening process. It helps sharpen the skills of even experienced personnel, empowering you to take advantage of every opportunity and aggressively expand your professional agenda. By providing you with a rigorous training environment, your active participation in our program will enable you to apply and sustain your learning to a point of forming winning habits. You will have the ability to achieve the greatest satisfaction at every given opportunity when discovering the needs of your audience every time.

Art Of Probing & Questioning focuses on the following areas:

-Active listening
-Discovery questioning
-Influence and persuasion
-Interjection techniques


Training Outcome
After completing the training, you should be able to:

-Build deeper trust and rapport
-Identify probable and root causes
-Prioritize actions
-Sharpen your listening skills
-Widen your questioning abilities

Our Methodology
Think differently to alter direction.
The experience of learning to read and write for the first time is likely to remain vivid in your memory. The skill is ingrained and it stays. The primary objective of our training and workshop is to make your new knowledge and abilities as durable as the ones you’ve already accumulated.  They foster fresh ideas. They enable great feats. Individual behaviour and attitude contribute to your organization’s success is what we prioritise.
Combining experiential, instructional, and discovery learning with current coaching technology promotes profound transformations in attitudes and behaviour that enable sustainable change in your business. These adjustments improve results.
Our programmes involve with 12 unique learning methodology as below:

Framework and Implementation
Our unique experiential framework and implementation empowers you to:

-Apply empathy generously
-Be attentive at all times of the conversation
-Capitalize on opportunities
-Earn the due respect through effective questioning
-Focus on any conversation
-Get people more engaged to your conversation
-Gain clarity by asking the right questions
-Improve existing trust levels with people
-Influence people
-Investigate issues thoroughly
-Probe professionally
-Work with powerful nonverbal communication


Our program outline encompasses the following modules:

Day 1:

Module 1: Overview
-Context setting
-The 7/38/55 Rule
-Choice of words
-Applying appropriate tonality
-Effective body language techniques

Module 2: Discovery Questioning
-6 discovery questioning techniques
-The Funnel Model
-Tight conversation
-Power Up!
-Asking purposeful questions

Module 3: Application In Problem Solving
-Probable causes
-Root cause
-Considerations, Pros and Cons Model
-What If

Module 4: Application In Presentation
-The Needs Pyramid
-Matching needs with FAB
-Value Drivers
-Crafting effective conversations
-Persuasive language techniques

Day 2:

Module 5: Application In Negotiation
-Objectives – Breakpoints, Stretch Targets and Great Deals
-Information – The 5 Critical Information
-Variables – Tradeable values to match needs
-Move Plan

Module 6: Application In Coaching
-Will Do

Module 7: Active Listening
-6 active listening techniques
-Driving meaningful conversations
-Advanced interjection techniques
-Prioritizing needs
-Summarize and confirm

Module 8: Coaching Wisdom
-Summarizing and confirming
-Role play Session 1
-Role play Session 2
-Role play Session 3